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The Preston County Journal
Kingwood, West Virginia
June 22, 2011     The Preston County Journal
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June 22, 2011
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2-PRESTON COUNTY JOURNAL-Wednesday, June 22, 2011-Kingwood, WV Club a busy group submitted by were made to make tote bags PEGGY HESS Peggy Eileen Hileman Hess, 60, of Tyrone Avery Road, Mor- gantown, died Thursday, June 16, 2011, at her residence, fol- lowing an extended illness• She was born in Morgantown, on July 10, 1950, a daughter of the late Troy Hileman and the late Jane (Benson) Hileman. She was raised on her family's dairy farm, with her brothers and sisters. She was a graduate of Bruce- ton High School, Class of 1968. She obtained her Bachelor of Science Degree in Agricultural Education, from West Virginia University, in 1973, and then received her adult teaching certificate for the Monongalia and Preston County Schools, in the Community Schools Crafts Program• She was a supervisor and teacher for the Community School Program for Cheat Lake Schools., She was a member of Wood- land United Methodist Church and attended Faith Baptist Church. She was a member of the Super 60's group. Her greatest joy was making her crafts and being a vendor at area craft shows. She learned to do many crafts, macramr, and tale painting. She was always a person who attended many family gather- ings, reunions and class alumni functions. Survivors include her hus- band, Robert H. Hess; two step-daughters, Amber and Re- bekah; two sisters, Mary Jean Radabaugh, of Canton, OH, and Linda Staddon and her husband, Glenn, of Cheat Rd.; four brothers, Robert Hileman, Willis Hileman, and Milton Hileman and his wife, Carol, all of Bruceton Mills, and James Hileman and his wife, Mary Lynn, of Middleboume; and many aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces and nephews• In addition to her parents, shb was preceded in death by a brother, Leland Hileman. Family and friends were re- ceived at Faith Baptist Church, Morgantown, on Friday, June 17 and Saturday, June 18, where funeral services were held, with Pastor Bennie Moran officiat- ing. Interment followed in Fair- view Cemetery, Pisgah. In lieu of flowers, the fam- ily requests contributions in her memory, please be made to: Faith Baptist Church, 809 Greenbag Rd., Morgantown, WV 26508. Hastings Funeral Home, of Morgantown, is in charge of the arrangements. by Alice Jean McKinney CEOS meet Gladesville CEOS members met at Gloria Livingood's home, on June 14. This being flag day, Joyce gave pointers about the flag and the flag salute was given. Devotions were read by Glo- ria, from Psalms 138. The story of the Critter Cat was read. Linda Kantes gave a report about the Strawberry Festi- val, at the community center. •  "tree worked, e grounds, E-cycling June 25, in Kingwood. E'6"gave a book report for the Continuing Education Is- sues Committee. It was a WV author. The Lesson: Look and Feel 10 Years Younger, was taught by WEST CO. gold, silver & platinum jewelry, coins, rings, necklaces, bracelets, sterling silverware, broken jewelry and foreign coins. 304-692-1291 Call for an appolimnent Linda. She had us do the four- step pampering procedure, for cleaning our skin. Then, went on to explain the same effect can be obtained with less cost, with ordinary lotions and creams. The July picnic will be on the 17th, at the home of Mary Kay Stiles• Everyone is to bring a covered dish. The club will pro- vide money for the meat• Time will be decided later. The CEOS Fun Day will be from 1-5, on Friday, at, the ex- tension office. Everyone is en- couraged to come and join in the fun! Linda will teach a craft. Area meeting 2014, for 200 persons will be in Preston County. We will have to find a facility for the event• The August meeting will be at Susan Smith's, on the 16th, ' YES We Sell Tupperware . YES t We Still Do Parties ] t-, YES  We Are Hiring  For appointment or inf0 call i! Home Monumental Works All Types of Monuments and Markers Vases & Cemetery Lettering 608 W. State Avenue, Terra Atta (304) 789-6053 Stop In or Cal.[ for an Appointment. Jeannie Beveridge and Joane Clarkson Sandy Creek CEOS met for their April 3 meeting, at the Fellowsville UM Church• Presi- dent, Sherley Wolfe, opened the meeting with this thought, "When you reflect on the best times you've shared with your girlfriends, you may forget ex- actly what it was you laughed so hard about ...... but you'll al- ways remember the laughter•" Devotions were led by Char- lotte Bolyard. She read Matthew 28:1-10, and a poem, which was just fight for the Easter Season, "He lives." Devotions were closed with prayer• Karen Wolfe led mem- bers in the flag salute• What is a Cygnet? That was the question asked by Diane Hamilton, at roll call. There were some guesses....some cor- rect, some ...... not so much. The answer is a Cygnet is a baby swan. The treasurer and secre- tary reports were read and ap- proved. Reading and recycling sheets were passed around to re- cord those activities and "Walk a 100 Miles in 100 Days" mile- age was recorded. A local resident, Robyn Bur- leyson, made 13 dresses for children ia Africa. They were made out of pillow cases• She was kind tnough to allow Di- ane Hamilton to bring them to the meeting to show how they may be made. She also shared the pattern. Sue Bowman had been busy making lap robes to distribute and Patty Clarkson kept her fingers busy, knotting some of them. Also, Joane Clarkson made Boo Boo Bears to send to Belize• Diane Hamilton brought a bear and other members brought various items for this purpose. There was a Smorgasbord, on April 10, at the Fellowsville VFD. Funds are being raised to help with the After School Ex- plorers Program, Karen Wolfe planned to attend a state meeting to get additional information, and Tasha Ham- ilton has suggested our club sponsor a local CPR class. Sandy Creek Community Edm cational Outreach Service plans 304-329-2741 for the Fellowsville Elementary Kindergarten again this year, as they seem to be popular with the children and assists them in retaining knowledge gained in the school year. Bags were filled with educational and fun items used during the summer months• A note of thanks was received by FES Kindergarten teacher, Pam Kessler, for the donation made in memory of Nona Conn. She also included pictures of members assisting with crafts• A note of thanks was also re- ceived from the 4-H Foundation for our donation• Knitted hats for those in can- cer treatment were made and displayed at the meeting• Sher- ley Wolfe had made two and Cheryl, daughter of Charlotte Bolyard, had made several hats. Dana Queen, a long-time member, who turned 96 years young, was surprised with a vis- it to her home and cake and ice cream. Several members were able to attend• Dana was very surprised and everyone enjoyed the party. The Morgantown Area Meet- ing was discussed. The featured member for the May media blitz was Tasha Hamilton• The lesson "Inhalant Abuse" - Huffing, Puffing and Blowing was taught by Betty Hamilton. Betty discussed what parents might look for in their children's behavior and gave us a lot of in- formation on this subject. Joane Clarkson brought a Family Tree Quilt, given to her by her son, Cecil and his wife, Alysia. An Easter basket of goodies was won by Joane Clarkson. The basket was do- nated by Pam Kessler, teacher of Kindergarten at FES. Refreshments were served to the following members and guests: Diane Hamilton, Norma Shay, Debbie Hamilton, Karen Wolfe, Sherley Wolfe, Patty C4aflson; Betty Metheny, Tosha Hamilton, Brenda Dunaway, Sue Bbwman, Pat Phillips, Ethel Sypolt, Joane Clarkspon, Jeannie Beveridge, Nancy Dun- away, and guest, Morgan Ham- ilton. Hostesses, Betty Ham- ilton and Charlotte provided Kingwood Church of Christ meeting at 140 Elkins Avenue Sunday Worship Services 10 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Bible Study Sunday at 11 a.m. Wednesday at 7 p.m. 304-329-4111 Gut'l:ers Plus l -High Quollly Seomless Guffers & Supplies- I Commercial & Residential I Installed or Dropped 304-290-2053 mobile 304-379-3113 office Prompt Fdendly Service, Ucensed & Insured WV026622 Center, Sherley Wolfe, wears her owarcl winning "green" hot. To her left is Harold Bevericlge, and to her fight is Betty Hamilton. ning with good food, decora- tions, and entertainment by our own Karen Bright, and former Extension Agent, Tracy Waugh. Most of those in attendance, sported a homemade hat. Sher- ley Wolfe won the best "green" (recycled) hat award. The July meeting is tradition- ally an "open meeting." Some options for this meeting were discussed and a final decision will be made at the June meet- ing• An e-cycling event is being planned and we will gather fur- ther information for anyone, who may have electronic items for this event. The lesson, Journaling for Re- newal, was taught by Jeannie Beveridge. We learned a brief history of journaling, different types ofjournaling, and the po- tential benefits ofjournaling. Many people keep a "weather journal" on a wall calendar. One very interesting type of journal was a communication journal. Charlotte Bolyard provided a special feature, a homemade potholder and a special picture of her grandson, Matthew, with a little donkey. Brenda Dunaway provided the "Pig-in-the-Poke" and it was won by Betty Hamilton. Health concems were shared and the meeting was closed with the club collect. June meeting was held the 6th. great refreshments. Health concerns were shared, announcements made and the meeting closed with the club collect. eeeeeeeeeeeaeeeaaeaeaee Sandy Creek CEOS gathered for their May meeting, at the Fellowsville UM Church. Presi- dent, Sherley Wolfe, opened with a short history of the May flower• Devotions were lead by Ethel Sypolt, who shared readings from the book "Grace for the Moment•" "Prayers Are Price- less Jewels" was the title of a thoughtful reading she shared. Scriptures from I Peter 3:12 and Matthew 14:28 were read and members prayed the Lord's Prayer, at the close of devo- tions. Karen Wolfe, then, led all in the flag salute. The secretary's report was read by Diane Hamilton and approved as read. Diane, then, called the roll by asking each person, if they had ever eaten a May apple. Committee reports were next on the agenda and members recorded reading and recycling information. Karen Wolfe was working on a purposeful read- ing display, for'the area meet- ing. Achievement Night was at- tended by 11 of our members. All reported an enjoyabl eve- 00Audibel Hearing Aids for Every Lifestyle & Budget! 1.877.585.4327 Thursday's by Appointment (Inside William" s Chiropractic) M. Keith Nestor Sr. BC-HIS Over 20 Years Experience -- -- -- III .............. Opl-ic/d Center 10565 Veterans Memorial Hwy - Masontown 304-864-2242 We would like to announce the addition of Dr. Rory Simpson to the practice. Dr. Gresak & Dr. Simpson offer complete eye health exams and contact lens fitting exams. We always enjoy seeing new faces in our office. Schedule an appointment today. Maxim€ at the Inn invites you to our OUTDOOR DECK DINING!! Friday, June 24th • $18.95 featuring... Cilantro Cole Slaw • (3oconut Shrimp with Dipping Sauces • Shark Bites with Red Headed Hot Sauce • Ginger-lime Shrimp Skewers • Jamaican Jerk Chicken with Mango Chutney • Carribe BBQ Chicken • Grilled Sea Bass with Fresh Salsa • BBQ Ribs with Green Chile Sauce * Shrimp, Black Bean and Corn Cakes • Mango Glazed • Sweet Potato Gratin • Tropical Fruit Kebabs lh Cinnamon Yogurt. Ginger Rice Pudding PLEASE R.S.V.P. 304-329-2220 II3W St. gingwood PUBLIC AUCTION at The Preston County Sheltered Workshop Reedsville, WV Friday, June 24 Contents of Storage Units from Parsons, WV & Pittsburgh, PA This is a good sale of clean merchandise. 2 heavy-duty wrench sets (Made in USA), open/box end wrenches, Craftsman tool box, antique mount in wall time clock (reserve bid), dinning room table w/ chairs, strollers, pack-n-play, shot glass chess set, Tonka truck, freezer, gas range, remote control Jeep, pistol, muzzleloader, lots of deer horns, antique fuel oil mix can for Maytag washers, canopy, tent, very nice baker's rack, bistro table w/2 chairs, approx. 100 dvds, PlayStation games, vintage oak 4 drawer file cabinet, display rack with glass shelves, lamps, folding chairs, bedroom set, tables are full of good merchandise. Visit us on & check out our pictures. Ray Frankhouser - Auctioneer Refreshments Served - Call 304-864-6446 for more info. Frankhouser Auctioneer Services #776-10