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8- PRESTON COUNTY JCJRNAL Wednesday, July 13, 2011-Kingwood, WV
Reliving Lives: Prestoni00ns
and the Civil War ........
by Dorothy B. Snyder
(Continued from last week)
On the May and June 1864
muster it was recorded that
Lawrence S. Blaney owed the
U. S. for ordnance, $21.46. On
November 5, 1864 Lawrence
Blaney was given a furlough
from Grafton Hospital for fif-
teen days to go home and vote.
He was readmitted from fur-
lough November 17, 1864 and
returned to duty on November
26, 1864. He was honorably
discharged with the regiment
on June 27, 1865. Lawrence
Blaney continued to have health
problems and was readmitted to
Grafton Hospital at the age of
24 on August 16, 1866 from his
physician's office.
Lawrence S. Blaney married
Alley Harves in Monongalia
County in 1866. He applied for
his pension on August 26, 1879
and was ultimately pensioned
at $50 month. They were living
with his parents and counted
on the 1800 census of Preston
County, Kingwood District, as
Jacob M. age 68, farmer, Eliza-
beth 67, Laurence S. 40, son,
farm labor and Allia age 45,
daughter in law. Allia Harves
Blaney died on February 5,
1889 at Kingwood, WV.
On the 1890 Veterans Sched-
ule, Lawrence Blaney was
counted as living in Lyon Dis-
trict, Preston County and he
had enlisted in the 14th West
Virginia Infantry in 1862 and
was discharged 1865, as a
private. At age 49 and seven
months after his first wife died,
he married Anna J. Emerson of
Monongalia County on Septem-
ber 5, 1889.
i Fifty-four year old Hannah
Robinson, with her residence in
Morgantown, stated in an affi-
davit that she had known claim-
ant Anna J. Blaney all her life.
"We grew up together. I also
have known the said Lawrence
S. Blaney for about 40 years.
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He was formerly married to AI-
lia Harvey and she died with-
out giving birth to any child on
February 5, 1889 at Kingwood,
WV. In 1889 Lawrence mar-
ried Anna J. Everson Blaney
and they lived together continu-
ously from the date of marriage
to the time of the death of Law-
rence Blaney.
June 4, 1898, in response to
the request from the pension of-
rice to fill out yet another form,
Lawrence Blaney stated that his
living children on June 4, 1898,
were Cora A. Blaney, born Jan.
2, 1890, Thomas C., born Nov.
27, 1896, and Columbus Eng-
land Blaney born Sept 4, 1892
age 18.
The 1900 Federal Census
taken at Morgan, Mononga-
lia County recorded Lawrence
as age 60, with a birth date of
March 1840. His wife was
Anna J. Blaney born in Pennsyl-
vania, with a marriage year of
1889 and they had been married
11 years (which fits with the
pension records.) With them
was son, Stephen H. Blaney age
16, born West Virginia, Cora
A. Blaney age 10, Thomas C.
8 and Columbus Blaney age 6--
all born in West Virginia. This
is the only census on which I
found Stephen. Anna claimed
only three births and three liv-
ing children--so obviously
there is more research needed to
be done; particularly when you
realize that one piece of infor-
mation that I found which was
inconsistent with other data was
a form held by the West Vir-
ginia Division of Culture and
History. It was a death record
and indicated: Place of Death,
Preston, West Virginia: Note:
Registered in Monongalia Co.,
WV, age 5 year, John S. Blaney
born Preston County, mother
Annie Blaney and father L.S.
Blaney. John S. Blaney died at
the age of five years on June 6,
1890. That information doesn't
fit with other facts and if a fam-
ily member is interested they
may want tO follow up with
their own research on both John
S. and Stephen H. Blaney.
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Morgantown, West Virginm,
July 14, 1913: Statement by
Joseph E Halfin, age 77 post
office Morgantown. "The said
Joseph E Halfin stated he was
with the said Lawrence S.
Blaney nearly every day for the
last three or four months and
that Blaney was confined to the
house during that time, at least
one month and to his bed about
% of the time." Halfin saw him
practically every day. He also
stated he lived close to claim-
ant and bears no relation to said
claimant, whatever.
On the same date: Columbus
E. Blaney age 19 also Morgan-
town stated he gave the claim-
ant medicine and has been with
the said claimant to protect him
from falling. He also said that
the said claimant was confined
to is room and bed about half of
the time from the present back
for at least two years; that he
was with him most of the time,
and felt that it would not be safe
to leave him alone, and sat up
with him part of the time. This
affiant further says that he is the
son of the said claimant.
Lawrence S. Blaney died April
18, 1914 in, Monongalia Coun-
ty and his widow, Anna J. Em-
erson Blaney filed for her wid-
ow's pension on June 20, 1914.
The Census of 1850, Eastern
District Monongalia, Virginia,
included Isaac Blaney, a farmer
age 36, born in Pennsylvania,
Sarah, 32, born jn Virginia,
age 32, Rachel, !1, Ellen, 10,
John, 8, Lawrence 7, William
5, Henry 5, Winfield,3, and EI-
vira 0. Three of the sons, John,
Lawrence and Henry served in
the Civil War. Initially I could
see no real connection to Pres-
ton County; however further
study indicates that Henry when
applying for his pension stated
he was born in Preston Coun-
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ty. I also thought it important
to write about Lawrence, who
along with his brother John
served in company E of the 7th
West Virginia. It important to
separate Lawrence Blaney of
the 7th West Virginia Infantry
from the Lawrence S. Blaney
who I just featured, from
Monongalia County and ,who
served in the 14th Infantry so
people do not get the two con-
fused. The story of this family
also demonstrates a number of
facts in regard to parents receiv-
ing a pension and other benefits
from the death of a son.
The 1860 census, District 3,
Monongalia County, Virginia,
Post Office Ills Ferry, recorded
Isaac Blaney, 46, Sarah 42, Ra-
chel 22, John, 18, Lawrence 16,
Ellen 20, Elvira 9, Lucien 4 and
Isaac 7.
John Blaney enlisted for a pe-
riod of three years on August 3,
1861 at Morgantown as a private
in Company E and later known
as Company A 7th West Virginia
Infantry. His brother, Lawrence
also served in Company E/A of
the 7th. The records are sketchy
through January, and Febru-
ary 1862 but John Blaney was
present from March and April,
1862 until he was sent to the
hospital from Harrison Land-
ing on August 18, 1862. It was a
short stay because he was again
present August 21, 1862 and the
same through October 31. Thus
it is most likely he was at the
battles of South Mountain as
well as Antietam. I won't again
describe the battle at Antietam
since I wrote of it several weeks
ago. John Blaney was killed,
at Fredericksburg, Virginia on
December 13, 1862; thus I will
focus on the role of the 7th West
Virginia at Fredericksburg in
December 1862.
By November 1861 the 7th
was at Romney, (West) Virginia
and began to skirmish with the
enemy, but still had not had
their real initiation into battle.
They had not yet "met the el-
ephant" which is how the men
West Virginia
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MountainHeart Community Services, Inc. is an equal opportunity employer.
at that time described their first
real battle as they were mostly
doing picket duty and guard-
ing the railroad. There was one
picket post, which was high
above the fiver on a bluff and
about one hundred feet high.
From this pinnacle, the picket
could watch the movement of
the company for ten miles ei-
ther way, and could easily drop
a stone in the Potomac River. It
would have been a lovely place
to camp in the summer, but in
the winter months the weather
was extremely cold. The picket
day was for twenty-four hours
and the men suffered much
more from the cold than from
the enemy.
In April, the 7th began to move
up the Shenandoah Valley. The
battle lines were drawn, and the
men of the 7th, who so far had
mostly fought the mud and the
cold, were soon to come in con-
tact with General "Stonewall"
Jackson's army. There were
several occasions when they
were close, but instead of being
pulled into the fights, they were
mostly engaged in skirmishing
and used as reserves Late in
April, they left the Valley and
marched towards Warrenton,
ington, D. C.
By May 21, the 7th had
marched towards Fredericks-
burg, Virginia where President
Lincoln reviewed them. This
was a significant experience
for the farm boys from West
Virginia, Seeing the President
duly impressed many, and the
7th became strong supporters of
President Lincoln, both as indi-
viduals and as a regiment at that
On May 24, the 7th received
orders to again cross the state of
Virginia and go to the Shenan-
doah Valley. By this time the
7th was gaining a reputation
as "General Shield's foot cav-
alry." They could march fast
and far--thus moving a large
number of men at a time. They
were not very well equipped,
however, and when they would
stop to rest, many would leave
large puddles of blood on the
sand where it had run from their
bruised and battered feet. Many
of the men would march along
for weeks at a time in their bare
(To be continued next week)
Copyright: Dorothy B. Snyder
9 Douglas Court, Dover DE 19901
Virginia, which was near Wash- Phone 302-697-3797
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.............. L .....
06/22/91 - 06/24/la
The family of Lucas Wayne Bolyard would like to send a
special thank you to those who sent flowers, food, cards,
money and condolences. Thank you to the Tucker Co. EM
and Tucker Co. Sheriff's Department. Thank you to
Bolyard Funeral Home for a wonderful job. Thank you
Mylan Pharmaceuticals, Matthews Bronze, Wal-Mart,
Mettiki Mines and Garrett Mining Service for all that
you've done. Thank you the special ladies that set the
community building up with food. We thank you, even if
you just remembered us with thought and prayer. It is you
"Our Amazing Friends" that give us strength.
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