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Newspaper Archive of
The Preston County Journal
Kingwood, West Virginia
August 24, 2011     The Preston County Journal
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August 24, 2011
Newspaper Archive of The Preston County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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HELP WANTED FULL TIME HOUSECLEANER: And dog sitter in Kingwood area. Must be able to work everyday. Send resume to P.O. Box 565, Kingwood, WV 26537. thru 9/3 WINDY HILL VILLAGE: Seeking LPN and aides that would also be willing to work in kitchen. Call 304- 329-2741 or email-windyhillvillage@ thru 8/24 EXPERIENCED CARPENTER NEEDED; For local contractor. Must be able to frame, complete punch list and trim work. Must have valid drivers license and reliable transportation. 304-379-2840 after 5 p.m. thru 8/27 SERVICE ES PAVING: Driveways, Parking lots, patchwork, resurfacing old asphalt also sealcoating. Free estimates. All work guaranteed. Over 25 yrs. experience. Church, senior and veteran discounts. Special 30% discount. Licensed and insured. References available. If we do the paving you will do the saving. WV#014237. 304-329-6338. thru 8/24 ~rFORDABLE ASPHALT PAVING: iveways, parking lots, patchwork, seal coating. Free estimates. Work guaranteed.. 30 yrs. experience. Licensed & insured. 30% discounts. Call 304-329-4136 or 304-292-1109. thru 9/7 CERTIFIED IN HOME CHILDCARE: Has four openings for children birth-12 yrs. Mountain Heart approved & private pay accepted. USDA approved meals. Fenced-in play yard. References available. Call 304-212.8595. thru 9/3 REAL ESTATE KINGWOOD: 213 View Street. 3 BR, 2 BA House. Partially finished basement. Two car garage. Appliances & window treatments included. $113,000, Call 304-864- 5311 or 770-934-1099. thru 9/14 FOR SALE ONE ALUMINUM OVER WOOD DOUBLE STALL TRUCK DOG BOX/CARRIER: $200 o.b.e. Call 304-903-8163. DUTCH WEST MODEL 2478 MODEL WOOD STOVE: With glass front door. Heats 1600 sq. ft., blower adaptable, exc. cond. $500. Call 304-789-3196. thru 8127 HAY: 4x4 round bales. $25 each. Pick up or delivery. Delivery extra. Call 304-376-5494. thru 8/31 BIG BEAR LAKE CAMP: Wooded flat graveled lot, 24' camper, metal roof over camper & screened porch with beautiful wood extedor & floor, large cabinets, bar. $12,000 negotiable. 304-288-5988. thru 8/27 SALES RAIN OR SHINE - HUGE PORCH SALE: 9 a.m. - 5 pm. August 27th, one mile north of North Preston Kwik Stop on Rt. 26; 4.5 miles south of Bruceton on Rt. 26. MISCELLANEOUS ADOPT A CAT OR A KITTEN: From the Friends of The Four Legged and Furry. Call 304-379-2509. Gregg's Excavating & Sanitation, u.c Septic Tank Cleaning Also Installation Portable FOR SALE Nescar 10 Year Anniversary Snap On Jacket, Kevin Harvick, RCR racing, new cond., slots of decals, $300 neg.; 304-864-7329. Lots of Nescar collectables, Coca Cola bottles-Jeff Gordon & Earnhart St. & Jr. Coca Cola bottles, $10 & up; 304-664-7329. Fisher wood stove, $400; 304-698- 1199. Small wood cookstove, never used, pd. $150 asking $75; 304- 568-2612. Love seat, wing back style, exc. cond., $120; 304-680:3343. Love seat, exc. cond. $100; 304- 680:3343. Pellet rifle, brand new w/pellets, $35; 304-680-3343. Table w/4 chairs, $30; 304-680: 3641. Push lawn mower starts & runs gd., $55; 304-680:3641. Five drawer chest, dark wood, other chests & dressers, $55; 304- 680-3641. Toddler bed complete, all wood, $55; 304-680-6233. Single stroller $20; 304-680:6233. Queen size blankets, deer, wolf, Harley Davidson & many others designs, $35 each; 304-680-6233. Maple china cabinet w/glass doors on top, $95; 304-864-6235. Poulan weed eater, exc. cond. $65; 304-864-6235. Round pedestal w/4 chairs & leaf, oak & cream color $110; 304-864- 6235. Summit climbing tree stand, rated 450 Ibs., gd. cond., org. cost over $300 asking $175; 304-864-6942. 3.0 Chrysler alternator, may fit other models, $40; 304-864-6942. Ten 20 lb. propane gas tanks, old type, $10 each or $60 for all, one new type $15; 304-864-6942. Two chain binders, USA made, Wednesday, August 24, 2011 -Kingwood, WV-PRESTON COUNTY JOURNAL-13 exc. cond., $15 each or $25 for beth; 304-680-1532. Saga Genisis & CD combo w/six games, $45; 304-680-1532. Antique Anchor brand clothes wringer, made in 1890's, connects to washtub, exc. cond., $100; 304- 680-1532. Vintage maple table, 38" by 28", has two 9" pop-up leafs, included two chairs, $65; 304-777-3293. Twin bed frame w/all wood headboard, very gd. cond., $35; 304-777-3293. Grace open tel) baby swing, two- speed $35; very gd. cond. 304-777- 3293. Queen size bed w/all wood headboard, complete, clean & very gd. cond., $150; 304-864-3251. Two all wood matching swivel bar stools $,50; 304-664-3251. Gilder chair made by Dutailiar, all wood w/light blue upholstery, looks new, $65; 304-864-3251. Wastin truck side rails, solid stainless steel, $150 o.b.e.; 304- 698-3440. Tonneau truck cover, Ford, 6' bed, brand new, $150 o.b.e.; 304-698- 3440. Wood stove, like new, pd. $400 asking $200 o.b.e.; 304-698-3440. Solid cherry TV dresser, $150 o.b.e.; 304-698-5578. Solid pine corner hutch, $100 o.b.e.; 304-698-5578. 50" big screen TV, $500 o.b.e.; 304-698-5578. Canning jars, $2.50 per dozen; 304-892-3954. Weilder home gym, older style, $25; 304-892-3954. Several old style wooden & glass windows, take all $10; 304-892- 3954. Phone covers for a HTC Desire or Inspire, brand new, never out of wrappers, $5 each; 304-892-3252. Triple dresser w/mirrored hutch, Ethan Allen, distressed dark pine, 6' length, includes sweater & jewelry drawers, $95; 304-329-2764. 20" Emerson "rv w/VCR & remote, works fine, $25; 304-329-2081. Water hose & resls-50' black rubber w/reel, $20; 100' black rubber w/reeis, $25; 304-329-2081. Broan stainless steel range hood, 30"wide, re-circulating, wall mount, chimney style, still in box, $400 o.b.o.; 304-329-2081. RCA console TV, exc. cond.; $50; 304-892-4686. Wizard lawn mower, 7 speed, can be fixup, $100; 304-892-3846 from 75-R14 white wall tire, $8; 304-864- 8 a.m. - 9 p.m. ask for William. 6783. • H D wheels, 16", one front, one rear, NIB, '94 & newer, $300; 304- WANTED 329-32.26. WANTED: Internal torque master Brand new BF Goodrich tire on spdng for 9'x7' Wayne Dalton rim, 255-70-R16, $50; Used 105- garage door; 304-290:2294. LEGAL NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE OF CHANGE IN RATES UPON APPMCATION NOTICE is hereby given that MOUNTAINEER GAS COMPANY, a public utility, has filed with the PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF WEST VIRGINIA, an application containing decreased rates, tolls and charges for furnishing natural gas service to approximately 219,000 customers (excluding customers formedy served by East Resources and including customers formedy served by Ashford Gas Co.) at various locations in the Counties of Barbour, Berkeley, Boone, Braxton, Brooke, Cabell, Calhoun, Clay, Doddridge, Fayette, Gilmer, Grant, Greenbdar, Hancock, Hardy, Harnson, Jackson, Jefferson, Kanawhe, Lewis, Uncoin, Logan, Marion, Marshall, Mason, McDoweil, Mercer, Mineral, Mingo, Monongaila, Monroe, Nicholas, Ohio, Pendleton, Preston, Putnam, Raleigh, Randolph, Ritchie, Roane, Summers, Tucker, Tyler, Upshur, Wayne, Wetzel, Wirt, Wood, and Wyoming. The proposed rates and, charges will become effective for services rendered on and after November 1, 2011, unless otherwise ordered by the Public Service Commission and will produce approximately $12,754,672 annually in reduced revenue, a decrease of approximately 8.64%. The average monthly bill for the various classes of customers of Mountaineer Gas COMPANY will be changed as follows: $) DECREASE (%) DECREASE Residential $3.49 5.24% Commercial $17.46 5.95% Industrial $407.11 9.71% Resale ' $1,011.5! 7.35% Resale customers of MOUNTAINEER GAS COMPANY include Canaan Valley Gas Co., Consumers Gas Utility Co., and Southern Public Service. The decreases shown are based on averages of all customers in the indicated class. Each class may receive a decrease greater or less than started here. Individual customers may receive decreases that are greater or less than average. Fu.rthermora, the requested rates and charges are only a proposal and are subject to change by the Public service Commission in its review of this filing. Any change in rates and charges will not become effective until authodzed and approved by the Public service Commission. If a hearing is conducted, notice will be given of the time and place of hesdng. A complete copy of the proposed rates, as well as a representative of the Company to provide any information requested concerning the proposed rates, is available to all customers, prospective customers, or their agents at the office of the Company at 2401 Slssonvtlle Drive, Charleston, West Virginia 25387. A copy of the proposed rates is available for public inspection at the office of the Executive Secretary of the PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION at 201 Brooks Street, Charleston, West Virginia. The 30-C procedure is designed to provide • procedure for changing rates charged to customers by natural gas distdbution utilities based exclusively on the cost of purchased gas. Consequently, protest should be limited to the reasonableness of such costs and the method by which they are calculated. Anyone desinng to protest or intervene should file a written protest or notice of intervention within twenty-five (25) clays following the date of this publication unless otherwise modified by Commission order. Failure to timely intervene can affect your rights to protest any rate change and to participate in future proceedings. Requests to intervene must comply with the Commission's rules on intervention set forth in the Commission's Rules of Practice and Procedure. All protests and intefver~ons should be addressed to Executive Secretary, Public service Commission of West Virginia, P.O. Box 812, Charleston, WV 25323. 8/17,24 Toilet Rental 864-3789 WV009186 LEGAL NOTICE To: CARL COWELL, CARL COWELL-REGULAR MAIL or heirs at law, devisees, creditors, representatives, successors or assigns. You will take notice that H3 LLC, the purchaser of the tax lien(s) on the following real estate, Certification No.:391292, located in Reno Dlstdct, Coal 6 A Nr Tunneiton-Patdct< Whii:h'w~s "returned delinquent or nonentered in the name of Cowell, Carl, and was the deputy commissioner of delinquent and nonentered lands of Preston County at the sale for the delinquent taxes on 612/2011. H3 LLC requests that you be notified a deed for suoh real estate will be made on or after 09/16/2011, as provided by law, unless before that day you redeem such real estate. The amount needed to redeem on or before 09/16/2011, will be as follows: Amount equal to the taxes and charges due on the date of the sale, with interest, to 09/16/2011. $257.69 Amount of taxes caid on the property, since the sale, with interest to 09/16/2011. $0.00 Amount paid for Title Examination and preparation of the list to be served and for preparation and service of notice with interest to 0911612011. $574.02 Additional Statutory Fees with Interest to 09/16/2011. $0.00 Tot~,l Required $831.71 You may redeem at any time before 09/16/2011 by paying the above total less any unearned interest. Given under my hand 8/2/2011 G. Russell Rollyston Jr. Deputy Commissioner of Delinquent and Nonentered Lands of Preston County, State of West Virginia Please make you certified check or money order payable to the Honorable Dallas D. Wolfe III, Sheriff of Preston County and return to WV State Auditor's Office, County Collections Office, Building 1, Room W-ll 8, Charleston, West Virginia, 25305. Questions please call 1-888-509-6568. 8/10,17,24 LEGAL NOTICE STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT At Charleston PROCLAMATION By the Governor WHEREAS, I, Earl Ray Tomblin, as President of the Senate of the State of West Virginia, am constitutionally obligated to act as Governor until the vacancy in the office of Governor is filled; and WHEREAS, the Supreme Court of Appeals of West Virginia, in its Mandate filed January 18, 2011, directed me to issue a proclamation to fix a time for a new statewide election to fill the vacancy in the office of Governor consistent with the provisions of section two, article ten, chapter three of the West Virginia Code; and WHEREAS, pursuant to said Mandate and consistent with article VII, section sixteen of the West Virginia Constitution and section two, article ten, chapter three of the West Virginia Code, I issued a proclamation on January 21,2011, setting October 4, 2011, as the time for the new statewide election to fill the remainder of the unexpired term of former Governor Joe Manchin III; and WHEREAS, while the January 21, 2011 proclamation has already set the new statewide election for October 4, 2011, today's proclamation is issued to fulfill the requirements of section two, article ten, chapter three of the West Virginia Code, as amended and reenacted by the West Virginia Legislature in House Bill No. 2853, that the person acting as Governor issue a proclamation calling for a special primary election to be held on May 14, 2011, and a special general election to be held on October 4, 2011. NOW, THEREFORE, I, EARL RAY TOMBLIN, by virtue of the power and authority vested in me by law, and in accordance with article VII, section sixteen of the West Virginia Constitution, section two, article ten, chapter three of the West Virginia Code, as amended and reenacted, and the Mandate of the Supreme Court of Appeals of West Virginia filed January 18, 2011, do hereby proclaim the following: The remainder of the unexpired term in the office of Governor created by the resignation of former Governor Joe Manchin III on November 15, 2010, shall be filled by a new election pursuant to the foregoing authorities. The new election shall occur as follows: 1. A special general election shall be held on October 4, 2011. 2. A special primary election shall be held on May 14, 2011, for the purpose of nominating political party candidates for the special general election. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the great seal of the State of West Virginia to be affixed. DONE at the Capitol in the City of Charleston, State of West Virginia, this seventh day of February, in the year of our Lord, Two Thousand Eleven, and in the One Hundred Forty-Eighth year of the State. GOVERNOR By the Govemor 8117, 24 LEGAL NOTICE To: HAROLD. REHE, HAROLD J. REHE-REGULAR MAIL, DONNA J. REHE, DONNA J. REHE-REGULAR MAIL, DIANA REHE, REBECCA REHE, PAMELA SCHWER CPA, REBECCA REHE CO TRUSTEE OF THE REHE CREDIT TRUST, PAMELA SCHWER CPA AS CO TRUSTEE OF THE REHE CREDIT TRUST, DIANA REHE, REBECCA REHE CO TRUSTEE OF THE REHE MARITAL TRUST, PAMELA SCHWER CPA AS CO TRUSTEE OF THE REHE MARITAL TRUST, PAMELA FRIEND, HAROLD J. REHE JR., SHARON LOCKERBIE, DEBORAH HANEY, KAREN BREWER or heirs at law, devlsees, creditors, representatives, successors or assigns. You will take notice that H3 LLC, the purchaser of the tax lien(s) on the ~ following real estate, Certification No.:392493, located in Valley District, Coal 2 A U-F which was retumed delinquent or nonentered in the name of Rehe, Harold J. & Donna J., and was sold by the deputy commissioner of delinquent and nonentered lands of Preston County at the sale for the delinquent taxes on 6/2/2011. H3 LLC requests that you be notified a deed for such real estate will be made on or after 09/1612011, as provided by law, unless before that day you redeem such real estate. The amount needed to redeem on or before 09/16/2011, will be as follows: ' Amount equal to the taxes and charges due on the date of the sale, with interest, to 09/16/2011. $623.16 Amount of taxes paid on the property, since the sale, with interest to 09/16/2011. $0.00 Amount paid for "title Examination and preparation of the list to be served and for preparation and service of notice with interest to 09116/2011. $587.15 Additional Statutory Fees with Interest to 09/16/2011. $0.00 Total Required $1,210.31 You may redeem at any time before 09116/2011 by paying the above total less any uneamed interest. Given under my hand 8/2/2011 G. Russell Rollyson Jr. Deputy,Commissioner of Delinquent and Nonentered Lands of Preston County, State of West Virginia Please make you certified check or money order payable to the Honorable Dallas D. Wolfe III, Sheriff of Preston County and return to WV State Auditor's Office, County Collections Office, Building 1, Room W-118, Charleston, West Virginia, 25305. Questions please call 1-888-509-6568. 8/I 0,17,24 LEGAL NOTICE WEST VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF.TRANSPORTATION Dlvlalon of Highways NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Bids will be received electronically by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways through the Bid Express Bidding Service ( and by sealed proposals (only when prequalification is waived) being received at its office in Building 5, Room A-748, 1900 Kanawha Boulevard East, Charleston, West Virginia until September 07, 2011 at 10:00 AM (Eastern Standard "time). The bids will be down loaded and/or opened and real publicly thereafter for the construction of the following project(s): Call: 017 Contract: 1118001 State Project: R064-0REM/GR-012.00 00 Description: GUARDRAIL DISTRICT 4 GUARDRAIL REPAIR COUNTY: HARRISON PRESTON DODDRIDGE OTHER Proposals will be received from prequalified and West Virginia licensed contractors only except that on Federal-Aid Projects a contractors' license is not required at time of bid, but will be required before work can begin. Registration is required with the Department of Administration, Division of Pumhasing, in accordance with Chapter 5A, Article 3, Section 12 of the West Virginia Code. All contractors submitting bids on project(s) must include one of the following forms propedy executed with each proposal: Proposal Guaranty Bond, Cashier's Check, or Certified Check for $500.00 or 5% of total bid, whichever is greater. *These are projects on which any contractor with a Category WV" Prequalification Rating may be eligible to bid. The West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways reserves the right to defer, delay or postpone the date for receiving and publicly opening proposals for any project designated in this advertisement, without the necessity of renewing such advertisement. All bidders holding valid bidding proposals will be notified of such deferment, delay or postponement and the date that proposals will be received and publicly opened. The West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively insure that in any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, minodty business enterprises will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, religion, sex or national origin in'consideration for an award. WEST VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Division of Highways Robert L. Pennington, P.E. Director of Program Planning and Administration 81t7,24 LEGAL NOTICE WEST VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRAN~FqDITrATION Division of Highways NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Bids will be received electronically by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, DMsion of Highways through the Bid Express Bidding Service ( and by sealed proposals (only when prequalification is waived) being received at its office in Building 5, Room A-748, 1900 Kanawha Boulevard East, Charleston, West Virginia until September 07, 2011 at 10:00 AM (Eastern Standard Time). The bids will be down loaded and/or opened and real publicly thereafter for the construction ,c~f~'~e~olk;kwJ~rtgProject(s);., ........ :,,, ........... -- ,.: ..... Call: 008 Contract: 1016532 State Project: $339-0026/004)23.05 00 $339-0026/00-023.05 01 Federal Project: OCRO 0026 043 000 OSTP 0026 044 D00 Description: RESURFACING ALBRIGHToBRUCETON MILLS BEGIN: JCT. CO 26/22 END: 0.72 MILES N. CO 17 COUNTY: PRESTON Call: 009 Contract: 1030171 State Project: $339-0073/73-003.40 00 Description: RESURFACING BRUCETON MILLS ROAD BEGIN: JCT. CO 2 END: JCT. CO 73/9 COUNTY: PRESTON Call: 010 Contract: 1028729 State Project: $339-O2191004)03.31 00 Federal Project: 00NH 0219 312 D00 Descdption: RESURFACING SILVER LAKE ROAD BEGIN: JCT. WV 24 END MARYLAND STATE LINE COUNTY: PRESTON DBE GOAL: 7 % OF CONTRACT BID AMOUNT. BIDDER MUST PROVIDE WRITTEN ASSURANCE OF MEETING GOAL ON FORM IN PROPOSAL. Call: 011 Contract: 1030106 State Project: &339-0053/00:007.00 00 Federal Project: CMAQ 0053 009 D00 Description: RESURFACING TERRA'ALTA-AURORA PIKE BEGIN: 0.73 MILES S. CO 90 END: JCT. WV7 COUNTY: PRESTON DBE GOAL: 6 % OF CONTRACT BID AMOUNT. BIDDER MUST PROVIDE WRITTEN ASSURANCE OF MEETING GOAL ON FORM IN PROPOSAL. Call: 012 Contract: 1028727 Federal Project: $339-0007/00-024.09 00 Federal Project: OSTP 0007 228 Doe Description: RESURFACING TERRA ALTA-CORINTH ROAD BEGIN: TERRAALTA CORP. LINE END: MARYLAND STATE LINE DBE GOAL: 7 % OF CONTRACT BID AMOUNT. BIDDER MUST PROVIDDE WRITTEN ASSURANCE OF MEETING GOAL ON FORM IN PROPOSAL. Proposals will be received from prequaiified and West Virginia licensed contractors only except that on Federal-Aid Projects a contractors' license is not required at time of bid, but will be required before work can begin. Registration is required with the Department of Administration, Division of Purchasing, in accordance with Chapter 5A, Article 3, Section 12 of the West Virginia Code. All contractors submitting bids on project(s) must include one of the following forms properly executed with each proposal: Proposal Guaranty Bond, Cashier's Check, or Certified Check for $500.00 or 5% of total bid, whichever is greater. *These are projects on which any contractor with a Category "W" Prequalification Rating may be eligible to bid. The West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways reserves the right to defer, delay or postpone the date for receiving and publicly opening proposals for any project designated in this advertisement, without the necessity of renewing such advertisement. All bidders holding valid bidding proposals will be notified of such deferment, delay or postponement and the date that proposals will be received ~ publicly opened. The West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively insure that in any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, minority business enterprises will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, religion, sex or national origin in consideration for an award. WEST VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Division of Highways Robert L. Pennington, RE. Director of Program Planning and Administration 8/17.24