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4- THE PRESTON COUNTY JOURNAL- Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Safety tips offered
The fall chill is in the air,
which means gearing up for
hunting season. The experts at
the West Virginia Poison Center
(WVPC) recommend these pre-
cautions for hunters and their
-Gun Maintenance
Gun cleaning products can be
dangerous if swallowed. Gun
bluing products, which protect a
gun from rust and corrosion, are
particularly harmful as they can
cause serious burns and other
toxic effects. Store these prod-
ucts in a locked cabinet away
from children. Children should
be kept out of the room when
prevent them from grabbing the
bottle when the user's back is
turned. Adults can avoid injury
while using these products by
wearing protective gloves and
washing hands after use. Make
sure to dispose of used bottles
and cleaning rags in a place
where children and pets cannot
get into them.
A child who swallows lead
bullets is possibly at risk for
lead poisoning unless lead-free
bullets are used. Keep all am-
munition, guns, and reloading
supplies in a locked cabinet
away from children and wash
these products are being used to hands ter handling.
Sat., Nov. 26
RRC is having a pre-Christ-
mas Flea Market at the Sza-
lagzi center' gym (old RHS)
from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tables
are $5. Food and drinks will be
available. Get rid of the old to
make room for the new. Call
Doris for space at 304-454-
A Holiday Open House
will be held from l0 a.m. to
3 p.m. at the Pleasant Valley
Community Center. Pleasant
Valley Dream Rides, many great
choices for gifts and Christmas,
and door prizes available.
Contact Arlene Huber 301-
334-6480 or Kathleen Harman
at 301-334-1136 for more infor-
Sat., Dec. 3
The Terra Alta Betterment
Committee is sponsoring a
Craft Show from 10 a.m. to 4
p.m., at the Fire Hall. For a ta-
ble at the show contact Loretta
Wotring at East Preston Floral
at 304-789-6000.
The Kingwood VFD Ladies
Auxiliary will be hosting a
Craft Bazaar from 9 a.m.-3
p.m., at the Kingwood Com-
munity Building. No fee to en-
ter. Food, handmade crafts and
holiday gifts will be sold.
Sat., Dec. I0
A Benefit for Gerry Haski-
ell will be held from 5:30-7
p.m. with a Bake Sale and Silent
Auction from 7-10 p.m. with
a Dance with DJ (donations at
the door) at the Tunnelton Fire
Hall. No alcoholic beverages.
Site is available
Holiday event and meeting rentals of Arthurdale Heritage's his-
toric Center Hall on Rt. 92 in Preston County are now being sched-
uled for weekday/weekend use in 2011 and 2012.
Discounted rates for weekday use are offered. Capacity is 125 for
a meal service (with on-site catering kitchen) and larger for meet-
ings. Call the Heritage office at 304-864-3959 for availability. Pro-
ceeds benefit the historic preservation efforts for the nation's first
New Deal homestead subsistence community project championed
by Eleanor Roosevelt.
00pecial day planned
The Preston County Economic Development Authority, Preston
COunty Chamber of Commerce and the Preston County Commis-
sion are planning the first Preston County Day at the Iegislature.
A reception is tentatively planned for March 6, 2012 and Preston
County Day at the Legislature is planned at the Capitol for March
For more information, or to participate in the opportunity, call the
Preston County EDA at 304-329-2299 of the Chamber of Com-
merce at 304-329-0576.
96.7 K Country!!
4th winningest active coach Bob Huggins will put
his young team to the test this season.
2011 Schedule
Date Opponent Place
Nov 11 Oral Roberts Home
Nov 15 Kent State Home
Nov 17 Alcorn State Home
Nov 22 Morehead State Charleston
Nov 28 Akron Home
Dec 3 Mississippi State Away
Dec 8 Kansas State Wichita, KA
Dec 10 Miami Home
Dec 17 Texas A&M Coq)us Christi* Home
Dec 19 Tennessee Tech* Home
Dec 22 Missouri State* Las Vegas, NV
Dec 23 ' Baylor* Las Vegas, NV
Dec 28 Villanova Home
Dec 30 Seton Hall Away
Jan 4 Rutgers Away
Jan 7 Georgetown Home
Jan 9 Connecticut Away
Jan 14 Rutgers Home
Jan 18 Marshall * Charleston
Jan 21 Cincinnati Home
Jan 25 St. Johns New York, NY
Jan 28 Syracuse Away
Jan 30 Pitt Home
Feb 5 Providence Away
Feb 8 Notre Dame Home
Feb 11 Louisville Home
Feb 16 Pitt Away
Feb 22 Notre Dame Away
Feb 24 Marquette Home
Feb 28 DePaul Home
March 3 USF Tampa, FL
9:00 p.m.
10:00 a.m
7:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
9:00 p.m.
9:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
2:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
8:00 p.m.
9:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
9:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
2:00 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
3:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
9:00 p.m.
9:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
9:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m,
March 6-10 Big East Tournament New York, NY
All ti. are eaImm and subject to change_ "Lal Vgm ClinIc * Celpttl eli.talc
-Waterproofing Supplies
Waterproofing agents can
cause breathing difficulties if
used inappropriately and can be
toxic if swallowed. Use water-
proofing products in well venti-
lated areas away from children
and pets. Make sure the item
being treated is completely dry
before storing inside an en-
closed space.
-Carbon Monoxide
Carbon monoxide is an invis-
ible killer. Hunters can be ex-
posed to carbon monoxide if
they are using heating or cook-
ing devices in enclosed spaces
like a tent or portable trailer.
To prevent carbon monoxide
poisoning, use these devices in
places with appropriate ventila-
-Game Handling
After killing the game, field
dress properly then cool the
meat as soon as possible to de-
crease the risk of food poison-
ing. Be sure to cook all game
thoroughly and do not allow the
game to sit for prolonged peri-
ods without refrigeration.
-Poisoned? Not Sure?-Call the
medical experts at the West Vir-
ginia Poison Center at 1-800-
222-1222. Do not wait for
symptoms to appear.
About the West Virginia Poi-
son Center:
The West Virginia Poison
Center provides .comprehensive
emergency poison information,
prevention and educational re-
sources to West Virginians 24
hours a day, seven days a week,
365 days a year. The WVPC is
staffed by nurses, pharmacists
and physicians with special
training in treatment of poison-
ings. Located in Charleston,
WV, the WVPC is a part of
the West Vbginia University-
Charleston Division and located
next to CAMC Memorial Hos-
pital. Toll-free: 1-800-222-1222.
I11 I
Celebration held
Fellowsville Elementary students and staff took part in Red Ribbon Week to celebrate the
school's drug-free status. Each day of the week, students and staff took part in activities
to show support for a drug-free lifestyle. On Monday, students wore camouflage to show
that 'you wouldn't see them using drugs" on Tuesday, students wore their clothing inside
out to show that "drogs won't turn them the wrong way" on Wednesday, students "gave
drugs the boot" by wearing their favorite boots; on Thursday, students showed that "drugs
are silly" by wearing their silliest hats; finally on Friday, students were asked to wear red in
support of red ribbon week and each student signed a school-wide drug free banner.
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