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Reliving Lives: Prestonians 1
A • • • • • •
and the 00iVll war
by Dorothy B. Snyder
(Continued from last week)
On June 14, 1890'in her at-
tempt to gain back pension
money as the widow of Daniel
Heckert, long since deceased,
Elizabeth H. Laub widqw of
Daniel P. Heckert, at that time
a resident of Bruceton Mills in
Preston County, stated she was
the widow of Daniel P. Heckert
who was a private in Company
E commanded by Capt. E.B.
Campbell in the 96th Regiment
of Ohio Vols. She states her
maiden name was Deets and she
married Daniel P. Heckert on or
about August 31, 1868 and she
has no record of the marriage
due to the fire at the Courthouse
in Kingwood. She remained
a widow until December 26,
1872 and appointed William P.
Groves of Washington D.C. as
her lawful attorney. The only
child of the soldier, two year old
Rachel died July 19, 1871. Eliz-
abeth's post office was Bruce-
ton Mills, Preston County, West
Elizabeth eventually aban-
doned her efforts to receive
any pension money from her
soldier husband's death. Eliza-
beth had married George Laub
in 1873 and according to the
census of 1900 she gave, birth
to nine children and 6 were liv-
ing. In 1900 the children living
with her included Nina age 22,
Charles E, 16 and Essie A Laub
15. Additional children on the
1880 census included Lydia,
age 8, William 6, Persis age 4,
Nancy age 2. Wit!,.guit'Sl
child, Rachel, long deceased,
that accounts for eight children.
I will now move to the Preston
County family of another son of
George Peter; Heckert; but this
time the mother is Hannah.
Henry W. Heckert, son of John
G. and Hannah J. Heckert was
born about 1845. On the Cen-
sus of 1860 he was age 15. His
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mother, Hannah, had died and
his older half-brother George
W. Heckert had already moved
to Ohio. Henry had a very short
military career as he was mus-
tered in on February 10 and
died on March 8, 1865. He died
in the hospital in Wheeling,
West Virginia while serving in
Captain Samuel Holt's Com-
pany I, 17th West Virginia In-
fantry. Henry's military records
indicate that Henry W. Heckert,
a private of Samuel Holts Com-
pany I. of the 17th Regiment of
West Virginia Infantry Volun-
teers of the state of West Virgin-
ia, was born in Preston County,
state of West Virginia. When at
age of 20 he enlisted he was,
five feet six inches tall, had a
fair complexion, blue eyes, dark
hair and by occupation was a
farmer. He was enrolled on the
8th day of February 1865, Graf-
ton, West Virginia, by Captain
James Evans for the period of
one year and mustered into the
service of the Unite States on
10th day of February 1865 at
Grafton by Captain James Ev-
ans and having served honestly
and faithfully with his Com-
pany to the present date is now
entitled to a discharge by reason
of Death at U.S. General Hospi-
tal, Wheeling, WV of scarlet fe-
ver. The said Private Henry W.
Heckert was last paid by pay-
master (blank). He has received
from the United States clothing
amount to nine dollars and 25
cents since the 14 day of Feb-
ruary when his clothing account
was last settled. He has received
from the United States $33.30
advanced bounty. There is to be
stopped from him for knapsack
and haversack and canteen.
Given in duplicate at Wheeling,
WV this 8 day of March 1865.
Signed by: Samuel Holt, Cap-
tain, Company I, 17 West Vir-
ginia Infant.
In a letter To: Samuel Broelt,
Assistant Adjutant, Washing-
ton, DC.
Enclosed please find final
statement submitted by Captain
Holt of inventoried effects and
discipline lists of late Private
Henry W. Heckert. Samuel Holt
stated: "I certify on honor that
Henry W. Heckert, a private of
Captain Samuel Holt's Com-
pany I of the 17th regiment WV
Infantry Volunteers of the state
of WVA born in Preston Coun-
ty, State of West Virginia, aged
20 years, five feet 6 inches high,
fair complexion, blue eyes, dark
hair and by occupation a farm-
er who joined for service and
was enrolled on the 14th day
of February 1865 at Grafton,
WV (by Captain James Evans)
for the period of one year and
mustered into the service on the
15th day of February, 1865 at
Grafton WV and having served
honestly and faithfully with his
Company to the present date is
now entitled to a discharge by
reason of Death at U.S. General
Hospital, Wheeling of scarlet
fever. He has received clothing
from. the government and 100
dollars and for other stoppages
vsis: knapsack, Haversack and
Given at Wheeling WV this
8th day of March 1865.
In another document dated
Clarksburg, WV, April 1, 1865,
ir reads: Enclosed please find
final statements, Inventories of
effects and disposition lists of
Late Privates Henry W. Heckert
and John M. Fawcett, Co. I, 17
Infantry. They died in U.S. Gen-
eral Hospital, Wheeling, WV.
No instructions have been re-
ceived from Surgeon in charge
and no effects were left in my
I have the honor to be Very Re-
spectfully your obedient servant
Samuel Holt, Capt. Command-
ing Co I. 17 WV Infantry.
It has been my observation
that the 17th West Virginia suf-
fered most of its casualties in
1865 from various camp ill-
nesses. Howaver, I found a
• the ty
Biographical dictionary in the
summary of the life of Henry's
brother, John William Heckert.
Memoirs of Lenawee County,
Biographical, Volume 2 pages
145 and 146: This sketch states
gold, silver & platinum
jewelry, coins, rings,
necklaces, bracelets,
sterling silverware, broken
jewelry and foreign coins.
Call for an appointment
Thursday, November 24
& Friday, November 25
i Schrock Farm Equipment I
Wednesday, November 23, 2011- Kingwood, WV-THE PRESTON COUNTY JOURNAL- 7
that Henry, while foraging was
given a piece of pie which con-
tained poison by Confederate
sympathizers and he died before
help could be summoned. This
is in contrast to dying of scarlet
fever. Will we ever know the
JOHN G. and
Parents of
John William Heckert
born 1846
C.ompany F 6th Regiment
West Virginia Infantry
Henry W. Heckert was the last
of John G. Heckert's four sol-
dier sons to enlist. His younger
brother by two years, John W.
had enlisted six months ear-
lier. John W. Heckert was born
in Preston County and the son
of John G. and Hannah Juliana
Wagner Heckert and age 18,
when he volunteered August
22, 1864. He claimed his oc-
cupation was that of a farmer.
He was sworn in and signed at.
Rowlesburg, on August 22, be-
fore William Hall, Captain 6th
Regiment West Virginia Vol-
unteer Infantry on August 26,
1864. John W. Heckert was de-
tached at Clarksburg, WV and
stated again that he was born
in Preston County, a farmer,
with brown eyes, dark hair, fair
complexion, five feet 8 inches
tall and mustered in at Clarks-
burg on August 22, 1864. He
was credited to Preston County
October 18, 1864 and was at
Rowlesburg and on the muster
out Roll and remark Recruit and
no further details. His records
show he was present at each
muster from enlistment until
John W. Heckert's pension file
is in the hands of the Veterans
Administration. I wrote them
requesting access to it. They
responded it was in the storage
area at Suitland, Maryland and
with current privacy rules only
available to next of kin. I have
been able to access such files in
the past; but it takes about two
years. Someday, and if ever I
am able to access it, I will am-
plify his story; however the
Lenawee Biography has filled
in more than I am likely to learn
from the pension records. I will
summarize his story based on
information in Memoirs of
Lenawee County, Biographical,
and Volume 2: pages 145-146.
According to the above re-
source John W. Heckert was
born in Preston County, July
1, 1846, the son of John G. and
Hannah Julian Wagner Heckert.
The biography calls his mother,
Julia, however her death re-
cords gave her name as Hannah
Julian. His mother died when
John W. was about eight years
old. The memoirs indicate five
children were born to Hannah,
including: John W. and Israel L.
Heckert both farmers residing
in Ogden township.
John W. Heckert enlisted on
August 22, 1864 at age 18 as a
private in Company F of the 6th
West Virginia Infantry. On June
10, 1865 he was mustered out
of service without participating
in any large engagements. After
discharge he worked at various
times and for various periods
as a cooper, miller and sawmill
Early in the 1880s he came to
Lenawee County. In 1882 he
purchased a farm of 50 acres
and all of the improvements
on it were from his efforts. He
devoted most of his attention to
dairying; selling the cream from
his herd to the cheese factory at
Ogden Center.
(To be continued next week)
Copyright: Dorothy B. Snyder
9 Douglas Court, Dover DE 19901
Phone 302-697-3797
Program announced
It is nearly time for the eighth annual Health Holidays! Maintain
Don't Gain!! Program sponsored by the Preston County Health
Department and Preston Memorial Hospital.
The goal of this program is to maintain weight during the holiday
season. Information, including healthy recipes, tips and tools for
maintaining weight are available weekly. Participants who main-
tain their weight are eligible for a variety of prizes. There is .no
charge for participation.
There are a number of sign up, weigh in sites throughout the
county. The initial sign up period is Wednesday, November 23.
The program ends on Monday, January 9.
For more information contact the Health Department at 304-329-
Festival of trees planned
Put your holiday decorating skills to work for the Arthurdale Fes-
tival of Trees on December 2-4.
Anyone may decorate a tree or wreath which will be displayed in'
the Arthurdale Forge. Businesses may place merchandise or gift
certificates on their trees. Volunteers will be available to decorate
trees if needed.
A silent auction of the trees and wreaths will benefit Arthurdale
The Craft Shop's Open House, Letters to Santa, hot chocolate and
carol singing, family holiday photos, and horse-drawn wagon rides
around Eleanor's Little (Christmas) Village will also be a part of
the festival.
For more information, call 304-864-3959 or visit www.arthur-
[ffeetiv00 Peoember 1, 201 I,
Prexto. Publieafiom will be
sponsoring a
Entries must be photographs of
2011-2012 Preston County Winter Scenes.
The contest will last 1 0 weeks, the entries
must be submitted electronically.
Only three entries per person per week.
Individuals can win only once. A weekly winner
will be selected and published in the Preston
County News. Weekly prizes will be awarded.
The 10 weekly winners will beeligible for
a grand prize. All decisions are final.
Submit your entry to
ppiden nis @ atlanticbb, net
Include your name and location of the photo
with date the photo was taken.