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The Preston County Journal
Kingwood, West Virginia
November 23, 2011     The Preston County Journal
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November 23, 2011
Newspaper Archive of The Preston County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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12-THE PRESTON COUNTY JOURNAL-Wednesday, November 23, 2011-Kingwood, WV Continued from Page 11 LEGAL NOTICE PRESTON COUNTY COMMISSION VENDOR LIST June 30, 2011 VENDOR SUPERIOR INDTRL LAUNDRIES SURVEYOR AND ASSOCIATES SUSAN D. SHAHAN SUSAN RINGER T.H. SERVICES TATHAM'S TAX DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT TAYLOR COUNTY COMMISSION TAZER TERESA HYRE TERRA ALTA COMM. AMBULANCE TERRA ALTA PUBLIC LIBRARY TERRA ALTA VFD TERRISHIE L. FUNK TESSCO INCORPORATED THE MCGRAW-HILL COMPANIES THE NAIL BARN THE OFFICE STORE THE VOICE TINA BISHOP TODD REXROAD TONI EDDY TOWN POLICE SUPPLY TRACTOR SUPPLY CREDIT TRAPUZZANOS UNIFORMS TRAVELERS TRAVlS N. TICHNELL TUNNELTON COMM. AMB. SERV. TUNNELTON VOL. FIRE DEPT. UNION AMBULANCE UNITED BANKCARD CENTER US CELLULAR US CELLULAR US CELLULAR US CELLULAR US POSTAL SERVICE VALERIE CORLEY VALIC VALITON'S KINGWOOD CDJ. VALLEY DIST. AMBULANCE VALLEY HEALTHCARE SYSTEM VALLEY HEALTHCARE SYSTEM VERIZON BUSINESS SERVICES VICKIE SNYDER VICTORIA COLE VISA VISA WAGNER'S HVAC/R LLC. WASHINGTON REPROGRAPHICS WAYNE WORKMAN WESBANCO BANK WESBANCO BANK WESBANCO BANK WESBANCO BANK WESBANCO BANK WESBANCO BANK WESBANCO BANK WEST PAYMENT CENTER WEST VIRGINIA UNIFORMS WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WFSP RADIO WILES LAWN CARE WILLIAM A. TENNANT WILLIAM MEANS WILLIAM SHOCKEY WILLIAM YASKOWEAK WINANS SANITARY SUPPLY WRIGHTLINE LLC... ........ WV ASSOC. OF CIRCUIT CLKS. WV ASSOC. OF COUNTIES WV BOARD OF VET MEDICINE WV BUR. OF EMPL. PROGRAMS WV. CHAPTER APCO WV CONSOLIDATED PUBLIC WV COUNTIES GROUP WV DEPUTY SHERIFF WV DIVISION OF LABOR WV ENHANCED 911 COUNCIL WV PAGING WV PEIA WV PROSECUTING WV REGION JAIL AUTHORITY WV SHERIFFS' ASSOCIATION WV STATE AUDITOR WV STATE AUDITOR'S OFFICE WV STATE BAR WV STATE POLICE WV STATE TAX DEPT. WV STATE TREASURER'S OFFI. WVDEP-DIV OF AIR QUALITY WVU EXTENSION SERVICE XEROX CORP. POLLWORK/PRECINCTS AGGREGATE TOTAL LESS THAN $50.00 AGGREGATE STAFF/OFFICIALS NET PAYROLL OFFICIAL'S SALARIES VICTORIA COLE CRAIG JENNINGS DAVE PRICE CHARLES B. FELTON, JR. LINDA HUGGINS BETSY CASTLE TERRISHIE FUNK DALLA WOLFE III MEL SNYDER III TOTAL OFFICIAL SALARIES AMOUNT $2,246.25 $900.00 $660.00 $726.44 $4,082.52 $15,520.00 $12,997.68 $4,500.00 $4,209.00 $257.00 $3,000.00 $3,000.00 $3,000.00 $2,875.85 $12,462.09 $5,941.93 $5,503.25 $235.78 $225.00 $232.32 $350.00 $92.54 $435.00 $1,597.54 $2,488.38 $2,767.00 $322.26 $3,000.00 $3,00O.O0 $3,000.00 $359,934.15 $11,845.04 $588.72 $6,541.55 $1,667.65 $18,425.00 $3,470.00 $5,175.00 $12,890.35 $3,000.00 $1,080.00 $1,080.00 $1,650.0O $126.97 $2,051.98 $957.82 $16,763.89 $747.92 $708.00 $75.00 $657.58 $264,512.40 $196.16 $89.42 $111.98 $75.26 $393.64 $3,711.00 $275.98 $12,500.00 $65.73 $161.00 $82O.O0 $350.00 $265.66 $1,650.31 $350.00 $190.00 $23,20&65 $7OO.OO $307,608.12 $600.00 $14,169.90 $1,602.00 $386,371.91 $98,203.00 $136,127.04 $100.00 $363.82 $1,039.00 $164,146.14 $1,065.00 $379,696.60 $1,177.00 $6,020.00 $299.00 $75O.OO $9,893.50 $75.OO $4,800.00 $200.00 $1,090.80 $21,118.54 $69,025.65 $3,305.22 $2,226,559.60 $8,496,200.54 $36,300.00 $36,300.00 $36,3O0.00 $27,390.00 $27,390.00 $54,780.00 $66,772.18 $59,220.00 $94,400.00 $438,852.18 Subscribe Toclay! STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA, COUNTY OF PRESTON, to wit: I, Linda Huggins, Clerk of the County Commission of said county and state, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct statement to the best of my knowledge and belief of the FINANCIAL CONDITION of Preston County for the FISCAL YEAR ending June 30, 2011. Given under my hand as Clerk of said Commission on the 14th day of November 2011 A'I-rEST: Linda Huggins / COUNTY CLERK ALL RECORDS ARE AVAILABLE FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION IN THE COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE FROM 9 A.M. TO 5 P.M. MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY. BY: Renee Johnston Renee Johnston, Deputy Co. Clerk 11/23,30 POSITIONS ResCare AVAILABLE .......... == ......................... ] ] ]J1 i m iql , i Wanted for Terra AIt in Preston County An immediate opening for a motivated and organized individual for nursing position. LPN's- This is a PT/SUB positions for licensed LPN's Previous nursing experience providing services to individuals with MPJDD preferred. ;andidates must work well with clients and fellow employees. Diploma or GED and a valid driver's license are required for all positions. Medical/Dental/CancerNision plans available. EOE MIFIDN If interested please apply online at, click }n careers, select external applicant, and then enter zip code 26764. Call Kandi Shafer at 304-789-6795 for questions. LEGAL NOTICE ORDER OF PUBLICATION FAMILY COURT OF PRESTON COUNTY, WEST VIRGINIA IN RE THE MARRIAGE OF: It appearing by an affidavit filed in this action that Morgan (Ralston) Shuttlesworth is a nbn-resident of the State of West Virginia or that their whereabouts are unknown, it is hereby ordered that Morgan (Ralston) Shuttlesworth serve upon, Petitioner, Christopher Shuttlesworth, whose address is, 203 Pleasant Ave. Apt. A2, Kingwood, WV, 26537 an answer, including any related counterclaim or defense you may have to the Petition for Divorce filed in this action on or before December 26, 2011. If you fail to do so, thereafter judgment, upon proper hearing and trial, may be taken against you for the relief demanded in the Petition. A copy of said Petition can be obtained from the undersigned Clerk at her office. Entered by the Clerk of said Court November 21,2011. Betsy Castle, Clerk of Court BY: L Hershman, Deputy 11/23,30 County Main Street 304-329-2220 Awareness stressed The American Lung As- disease). World COPD Day was CIVIL ACTION NO. 11-D-233 sociation in West Virginia, set up to raise awareness of the CHRISTOPHER SHUI-FLESWORTH (ALAWV), through partnership disease and hopes to improve PETITIONER with the National Heart, Lung, care for sufferers all over the MORGAN (RALSTON) SHU'n'LESWORTH . RESPONDENT and Blood Institute (NHLBI), planet. THE OBJECT OF THIS SUIT IS TO OBTAIN A DIVORCE. is working to gain awareness Education efforts will focus To the Above Named Respondent: and understanding of COPD on: recognizing COPD risk fac- chronic obstructive pulmonary tors; the benefits of early detec- ....  tion and treatment in slowing disease progression; and, im- proving quality of life for peo- =p , ux-er=enee -' !I pie with COPD in West Virgin- :I in. Attached are PSA materials West Virginia for your use to help us promote awareness of this disease. Coal Miners i COPD is a serious lung disease ':' i  ....... ii':i;i):.; :" time, makes it hard .  .....  that, over ,- :.. to breathe. It causes serious, i, ...... : ' long-term disability and is the third leading cause of death in the United States. Also known by other names, including em- Looking for a new physema and chronic bronchi- place to eat? tis, the number of people with COPD is increasing. More than Check out our NEW million people are currently diagnosed with COPD and an Soup and Salad Bar additional 12 million likely A healthy alternative for lnneh, have the disease and don't even know it. We'll satisfy your cravings for a "coeo affects 1 in 5 people over age 45 and the earlier a great salad and soup, even when your person receives proper treat- lunch time is limited, ment, the better their chances Our Salad bar is filled with fresh quality items including to improve quality of life," said James R Kiley, Ph.D., directoi fresh wholesome vegetables and fruits. Our Soups are of the Division of Lung Diseas- made with real ingredients, prepared fresh and ready to enjoy, es at the NHLBI. Take Out or ]Cat In for only $6.9S LEGAL NOTICE TOWN OF TUNNELTON PUBLIC NOTIFICATION 00lngwoou The USDA Rural Development, BFGoodrich Rural Utilities Service, has received an application for federal assistance from the Town of Tunnelton. The purpose of this notice is to inform the public of the proposed sewer project. The Town of Tunnelton is proposing to extend its current sanitary sewer system south along Route 26 to the Denver area to service the proposed new Tunnelton-Denver Elementary School. Also this project wilt provide sewer service to approximately 3C new customers along the way to the proposed new school. This notice is also to inform the public of a public meeting to be hel on December 6th, 2011 at 7:00 p.m., in the Tunnelton Town Hall. The pu r- pose.of the meeting is to provide an opportunity to become acquainted ;mli0Posed sewerproject and to comment on economic and envi- ronmental impacts, service area, or alternatives to the project. For further information regarding the proposed project, please con- tact the USDA Rural Developmenl office at (304) 636-2158, Joseph D. Crickenberger, Rural Developmenl Specialist. 11/23,30 LEGAL NOTICE Tariff Form No. 8 PUBLIC NOTICE OF CHANGE IN RATES WITH PROPOSED EFFECTIVE DATES NOTICE is hereby given that Mountaineer Gas Company, a public utility, has filed with the PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF WEST VIRGINIA, a tariff containing increased rates, tolls and charges for furnishing natural gas service to over 218,000 customers in Barbour, Berkeley, Boone, Braxton, Brooke, Cabell, Calhoun, Clay, Doddridge, Fayette, Gilmer, Grant, Greenbrier, Hancock, Hardy, Harrison, Jackson, Jefferson, Kanawha, Lewis, Lincoln, Logan, Marion, Marshall, Mason, McDowell, Mercer, Mineral, Min9o, Monongalia, Monroe, Nicholas, Ohio, Pendleton, Preston, Putnam, Raleigh, Randolph, Ritchie, Roane, Summers, Tucker, Tyler, Upshur, Wayne, Wetzel, Wirt, Wood, and Wyoming Counties in West Virginia. The proposed increased rates and charges will become effectiv e December 4, 2011 unless otherwise ordered by the Public Service Commission and will produce approximately $12,187,000 annually in additional revenue, an increase of 4.9%. The average monthly bill for the various classes of customers will be changed as follows: ($) INCREASE (%) INCREASE Residential $ 3.40 5.16% Commercial $ 14.63 5.27% Industrial $ 26.36 3.40 % Resale $ 103.32 3.63% Other $ - % Resale customers of Mountaineer Gas Company include Canaan Valley Gas Company, Consumers Gas Utility Company, and Southern Public Service Company. The increases shown are based on averages of all customers in the indicated class. Individual customers may receive increases that are greater or less than average. Furthermore, the requested rates and charges are only a proposal and are subject to change (increases or decreases) by the Public Service Commission in its review of this filing. Ahy increase in rates and charges will not become effective until authorized and approved by the Public Service Commission. (If a hearing is scheduled, notice will be given of the time and place of hearing.) On November 30, 2010, Mountaineer Gas Company acquired the utility assets of East Resources, and on that date approximately 4,700 former East Resources customers became customers of Mountaineer. The former East Resources customers currently have base rates that are higher than the base rates of other Mountaineer customers. Pursuant to the Commission Order approving that acquisition, the former East Resources customers will adopt the same rates as the rest of Mountaineer's customers, as determined in this case. As a result, Mountaineer expects that the majority of former East Resources customers will see a reduction in their base rates in this case. Anyone desiring to protest or intervene should file a written protest or petition within 30 days following the date of this publication unless otherwise modified by Commission order. Failure to timely protest or intervene can affect your rights to protest any rate increases and to participate in future proceedings. All protests or requests to intervene should briefly state the reason for the protest or intervention. Requests to intervene must comply with the Commission's rules on intervention. All protests and interventions should be addressed toThe Executive Secretary, Public Service Commission of West Virginia, P. O. Box 812, Charleston, West Virginia 25323. A complete copy of this tariff, as well as a representative of the Company to provide any information requested concerning it, is available to all customers, prospective customers, or their agents at the following office of the Company: 2401 Sissonville Drive, Charleston, West Virginia 25387 A copy of this tariff is also available for public inspection at the office of the Executive Secretary of the PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION at 201 Brooks Street, Charleston, West Virginia. 11/16, 23 • Drivers BRUCETON PETROLEUM CO., INC. is seeking tanker drivers (Class A CDL) and truck drivers (Class B CDL) for fuel delivery in the Kingwood, Bruceton Mills and Morgantown areas. Applicants must have current CDLs with HazMat and Tanker endorsements. Attractive benefits package, paid holidays, vacations and competitive wage offered. Applicants may apply at the following locations: 1768 Mileground Rd., Morgantown or the Bruceton Petroleum's bulk plants located on Dinkenberger Rd., Kingwood or the intersection of Rt. 26 and 1-68 in Bruceton Mills. No phone calls please. EOE LEGAL NOTICE (2010-S-00000070-Preston County-JASPER S SANDERS) PRESTON COUNTY NEWS AND THE PRESTON " COUNTY JOURNAL POST OFFICE BOX 587 KINGWOOD, WV 26537 USA To: SARA LEE GOODART, SARA LEE GOODART, EXECUTRIX OF THE ESTATE OF WALTER R. WABLE, or heirs at law, devisees, creditors, representatives, successors, assigns, all unknown heirs, guardians, conservators, fiduciaries, administrators, or lienholders. You will take notice that JASPER S SANDERS, the purchaser of the tax lien(s) on the following real estate, Certificate of Sale: 2010-S-00000070, PT LOT NR ME CHURCH, located in ROWLESBURG CORP, which was returned delinquent in the name of GOODART SARA LEE, and for which the tax lien(s) thereon was sold by the sheriff of Preston County at the sale for the delinquent taxes made on the 15th day of November, 2010, has requested that you be notified that a deed for such real estate will be made to him or her on or after April 1,2012, as provided by law, unless before thai day you redeem such real estate. The amount you will have to pay on the last day, March 31,2012 will be as follows: Amount equal to the taxes and charges due on the date of the sale, with interest, to March 31,2012. $216.48 Amount of subsequent years taxes paid on the property, since the sale, with interest to March 31,2012. $98.43 Amount paid for Title Examination and preparation of the list to be served and for preparation and service of notice with interest to from January 1, 2011 following the sheriff's sale to March 31, 2012. $761.34 Amount paid for other statutory costs with interest from following the sheriff's sale to March 31,2012. $0.00 Total Amount Payable to Sheriff - cashier check, money order or certified check must be made payable to the The Honorable Dallas D. Wolfe III, Sheriff and Treasurer of Preston County. $1,076.25 Cost of Certification of Redemption - cashier check, money order or certified check must be made payable to the The Honorable Glen B. Gainer, III, State Auditor. $35.0C You may redeem at any time before March 31, 2012, by paying the above total less any unearned interest. Return to WV State Auditor's Office, County Collections Office, Building 1, Room W-118, Charleston, West Virginia, 25305. Questions please call 1-888-509-6568 11/23,30,12/7